


- by John L. Wilson, Sept. 23, 2022

Dr. John Wilson speaking at a podium
Dr. 约翰·威尔逊在Deju Day活动上的讲话.

我被邀请来谈谈水文学研究的过去、现在和未来 New Mexico Tech. But first I want to thank Dr. Deju, President Wells, and Dr. Stephens 感谢他们帮助建立了这个新中心.

In 1973 I was a Ph.D. 麻省理工学院的学生走在我实验室外的大厅里,当我 遇到了我的导师和导师林恩·盖尔哈. He stopped to talk with me. “I’m leaving “麻省理工,”他说,“然后搬到一个新职位.”

I was briefly taken aback. “Where?”

He replied, “Socorro.”

我疑惑的表情促使他补充道:Mahdi Hantush.”

I made the connection. Gelhar搬到了威尼斯人app下载,在那里他的许多开创性的 Hantush和 他的同事们,包括查尔斯. Jacob.

Well hydraulics, or well testing, uses a perturbation to a groundwater well, by initiating 泵送或关闭生产,以促进含水层压力响应. The perturbation and response are observed and, fitting the data with one or more of Hantush’s 巧妙的数学模型,可以得出地下水含水层的条件和性质 be diagnosed. 换句话说,Hantush用数学来开发诊断工具 for hydrogeologists.

But not only for hydrogeologists. 本周,我从办公室书架上拿了一本书 关于油藏工程试井. Published by Exxon in 20世纪90年代,它是由俄罗斯作家(塔蒂亚娜·斯特雷索娃). It contains 23 citations to Hantush’s work, and another three independent citations to Jacob, and three more 斯塔夫罗斯·帕帕多普洛斯,前汉图什学生. The well hydraulics research at NM Tech具有全球影响力,至今仍被广泛使用.

到20世纪70年代初,汉图什和雅各布就消失了. Gelhar和他的新同事 成为了新一代的科技水文学家. Gelhar brought an interest in the 含水层性质的小尺度空间变化对地下水的影响 flow and the associated movement of dissolved chemicals, like groundwater contaminant. 如果你花时间观察高速公路的露头沉积物或岩石,你会看到这一点 kind of spatial variation. 它无处不在,尽管它的大小和方式各不相同 quickly it varies over distance. 你无法从陆地表面看到变化, 它是在地下的,但你可以用统计学的方法来描述它,把它描述成 stochastic or random process. 借用他的流体力学背景 devised a mathematical approach to solve this problem, creating the field of stochastic 地下水水文学,另一个具有全球影响的基础贡献. In the mid-1990s many new groundwater Ph.D. theses in the U.S. and Europe were based on Gellar’s foundation.

Toward the end of his tenure at Tech, Gelhar brought in two key young colleagues - Dan Stephens and Fred Phillips. I arrived a couple of years later. It was at this 从那时起,科技水文学项目开始扩大其重点,在主题和领域 the range of research methods. 越来越多的人加入我们,最终拥抱在一起 全面的水文科学主题. 这里有三个(许多可能的)例子 from over the last 30 years.

渗透带是指位于地表和地表之间的地下部分 water table. We asked questions like:

我的第二个例子表明人类并不是好的管家. We leak or spill organic liquids like gasoline from underground storage tanks and chlorinated solvents 来自工业设施和干洗店. 当这些有机液体 到达渗透带,或者下面的含水层,就像他们所做的那样 世界各地的城市、城镇和军事基地? 在20世纪90年代,我的团队做了大量的研究 这些问题的实验室实验. 这项研究以50所大学为研究对象 由全国地下水协会赞助的巡回演讲. The bottom line is that it is better to regulate and avoid these situations, than try to clean them up, 嘉德兰空军基地目前的整治活动充分说明了这一点 在阿尔伯克基和夏威夷珍珠港的红山.

最后一个例子是海洋. 在地球的浅海中,离岸 在岛屿和大陆上,经常有淡水资源被地质条件所限制 这可以用过去地质时期较低的海平面来解释. Mark Person has been developing models of these off-shore freshwater processes for different areas around the planet, 首先是波士顿和纽约的大陆架模型. This is a future drinking water supply and, in areas with offshore oil production, the shallow 海洋淡水可用于提高海上石油产量.

Historically, Tech’s hydrology program has emphasized collaboration across the group, 部门,研究所,以及与其他机构的合作. For example:

The new Hantush-Deju Center for Hydrologic Innovation can initially leverage and expand 关于目前的一些研究和合作努力.

But I understand that the center will mainly look to establish new research initiatives, 以及整合跨校园和其他机构的合作努力 to address these new initiatives.

In simple terms, the center should “create a culture that is open to new ideas, brings people together, excites them (and possible research sponsors), and drives them towards 新水文学及其应用.这些目标是最近才明确提出的 to me by Dr. Rinehart.

What are some of these future opportunities that are aimed at both basic understanding 以及它在解决问题上的应用? 在和中心的一些人谈过之后 faculty I have two suggestions, both focus on technology rather than science questions.

Artificial Intelligence

除其他外,人工智能是指计算机执行通常难以完成的任务的能力 由人类完成,因为它们需要人类的智慧或判断力.

Machine Learning (ML) programming is a particular AI approach that can perform tasks 没有必要被编程这样做. 我们在水文模型中使用ML for over 30 years. 20世纪80年代中期,我在NMT的求职面试讲座中提出了 development and application of an extended Kalman Filter ML algorithm for the evolution 以及地下水模型的改进.

But, outside of ML, few of the other aspects of AI have found a home in hydrologic 科学,虽然他们已经在相关的水工程中找到了应用.g., 供水和灌溉基础设施的运营和监测.

该中心的一个可能重点是增强机器学习技术, 以及发展人工智能的其他方面,以改善水文学及其科学 applications.

A second possible focus is

Geodesy and Geophysics

The center could focus on leveraging new tools from geodesy and geophysics to non-invasively measure and understand surface and subsurface conditions, including vadose-zone and groundwater flow and storage.

For example, Cadol’s arroyo-based sediment-yield studies include innovative ground-mounted seismic and micro gravity instruments to indirectly measure streamflow, stream-sediment 运输和地下水补给.

At larger spatial scales, in another example, is InSAR (Interferometer Synthetic Aperture Radar). 这是一种利用雷达图像绘制地表变形图的技术 由轨道卫星收集的地球表面的数据. The images can be used to map changes in land subsidence, groundwater storage, and groundwater levels, and 已经在地下水盆地中得到证实了吗. 我想看到他们一起申请 with gravity measurements, to non-invasively probe mountains where we have few wells 而且对地下管道也知之甚少.

These are just two possibilities.

The Center provides an opportunity to bring people together to catalyze new research 想法,帮助社会解决我们面临的许多关键的水问题 有限资源、人类发展和气候变化的存在.


- by Enrique R. Vivoni, Oct. 2006

虽然确切的日期是一个有争议的话题,但我们知道这一点. Between 1954 and 1956, 在E.J. 沃克曼,威尼斯人app下载建立了办事处 在新兴的水文学领域. 在这个时候,很少,如果有的话,水文科学 programs existed in the United States with hydrology courses typically taught in geology or civil engineering. 五十年后,水文学已成为一门成熟的地球科学学科 随着世界各地大学课程的增加. Over this period, 威尼斯人app下载在水文学的发展中发挥了重要作用 作为研究生阶段的一门综合课程.

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Hydrology Program, this article discusses a few of the historical highlights as well as our current teaching and research efforts. 约翰·威尔逊在《威尼斯人app》一书中记录了该计划的大部分历史 newsletter (Vol. 1, Issue 1, 1991 and Vol. 2, Issue 1, 1993). As will be discussed in the following, the 50-year history of program follows, in many ways, the development of hydrology as a geoscience that is well-integrated with the Earth Science community. By attracting top talent, the program has been resilient in light of changes in scientific 焦点,社会需求和来自其他项目的竞争.

According to several accounts, E.J. 沃克曼说服了伊拉克水文学家马赫迪·汉图什 educated in the United States, to commence a teaching and research program in groundwater hydrology at Tech. 这个新项目是对威尼斯人app下载努力的补充 在地质学,地球物理学和大气物理学. 该项目开始时资金有限 from the Geophysical Research Center and a handful of courses taught in the Department of Groundwater Hydrology. 在最初的几年里,重点主要集中在瞬态 地下水流动问题的理论和应用的重点. G. Emlen Hall 叙述了威尼斯人app下载第一个资助的水文项目得到了支持 罗斯威尔地区的地下水资源.

在1956-1970年期间,水文计划的数量有所增加 毕业的学生,教师和科学生产力. For example, 15 M.S. and Ph.D. 在此期间,授予了地下水水文学学位. Following Hantush’s frequent visits to the Middle East in the mid-1960s, leadership in the Hydrology Program was transferred to C.E. Jacob in 1965. 作为汉图什的顾问,雅各布已经 地下水水文学领域公认的领导者. 由于他们的努力期间 在此期间,威尼斯人app下载成为全国公认的研究场所 of well hydraulics. 今天,大多数地下水教科书都包括了他们的重大发现 以及他们众多的学生.

1970年雅各布去世后,经历了短暂的过渡, now in the Department of Geosciences, was led by Lynn Gelhar, a groundwater hydrologist from MIT. 格尔哈在1973年至1982年期间重振了这个项目 越来越多的学生和教师正在进行研究. Along with Allan Gutjahr, Gelhar创建了一个全国公认的随机地下水项目 hydrology. 随着国家的发展趋势,该项目也将重点扩展到数字领域 方法,水文地球化学和气相带过程,导致国际上 对学生和教师的认可. 例如,约翰·威尔逊(1996)和弗雷德 Phillips (2001) received the O.E. 迈因策奖,追随汉图什的脚步 and Gelhar. 此外,该计划已扩展到包括洞穴在内的其他领域 以及喀斯特水文学、遥感和生态水文学. Alongside this has been an effort 创建一个具有广泛吸引力的水文科学综合研究生课程 to both M.S. and Ph.D. students. 如今,这个项目的毕业生非常抢手 寻求咨询、政府机构和学术界的工作.

As we mark the 50th anniversary of the Hydrology Program, it is important to reflect upon this historical background. 格兰德河学院的成功故事 产品是否有重大的努力(i.e.(血、汗、泪), staff, administrators and faculty. 然而,前面的道路同样令人兴奋和充满挑战 就像走过的路一样. 例如,正在努力重新设计 我们的研究生课程是为了培养下一代的水文学科学家. We are also designing a new B.S. 主修水文学的学位. Our tech innovations are accompanied by a strong commitment toward cutting edge research. We continue to seek new discoveries that impact hydrologic science and move us toward 更深入地了解自然世界.