


10 a.m. 2014年10月16日星期四



新墨西哥科技理事会在上午10:10召开会议.m. 与校董会的会面 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王杰瑞 Armijo, 丽晶 Debra Hicks, 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, and Student 丽晶 Israel Rodriguez-Rios. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1.  会议通知证明.  会议在上午10点10分宣布开始.m. 由主席 Carpenter after the President affirmed that proper legal notice had been given.

2. 批准议程.  会议上提出的议程获得一致通过 由瑞金特·希克斯和瑞金特·罗德里格斯-里奥斯提出第二项动议.

3. 分钟.  9月会议纪要经修订后获得一致通过 通过了摄政王阿米霍和摄政王皮科克的动议.

4. 公告.

登记更新. Mr. Ortiz reported that more than 455 applications for fall 2015 were collected on recruitment trips, including 32 paid admissions, a momentum he plans to continue. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming added that the Office of Admission has been fully staffed since 去年秋天,她对他们的结果很满意.

认证.  总统注意到. 十二月正在大学里勤奋地工作 reaccreditation effort and he is confident 威尼斯人app下载 will be prepared when the HLC团队于2015年3月23日至24日访问校园. “我们正在走上正轨,但还有很多事情要做 要做什么?. 他补充说,评估草案已经向校园开放 检讨及意见. 最终稿将在一周内公布,供大家审查 联邦合规文件. 卡朋特主席,指出董事是 the approval process, asked that the Board be included and apprised of opportunities 输入. 洛佩兹总裁向执董会成员保证,他们将收到最后报告 越早越好,留出时间进行彻底的审查.

资助公式更新.  Work on developing a formula with sector equality is moving in the right direction, reported the President, adding that he would hate to lose any more ground to the two-year 学校.  “现在真正的困难是如何管理增长业绩,”他表示. 的 Chairman reminded members that both NMT and UNM have members on the Legislative Finance Committee, a key legislative body; however, member dominance rests with the two-year 学校.

N.M. 杰出公共服务奖.  的 annual awards honor individuals outside the public purview, mostly volunteers 谁对当地社区产生了重大影响. 总统,他 chairs the 委员会, invited 丽晶s to the banquet honoring this year’s honorees, 设定为12月. 2人在阿尔伯克基.

新墨西哥技术研究基金会政策.  总统推荐了. 劳尔·德朱和瑞金特·阿米霍加入基金会董事会, while work continues in revising its policies for board governance and dealing with 利益冲突问题. 筹款活动与政府的定期拨款同步进行 Headen 信任, with additional staff in the Office for Advancement, each of whom will 在未来18个月内筹集100万美元. 摄政王希克斯,指的是一份草稿 the proposed Foundation policy, cited “significant concerns,” in particular mixing 大学官员和基金会官员. “看来...他们的角色没有定义。” 她说. 丽晶 Peacock concurred, citing incongruencies with the entire gift policy. During discussion, it was noted that the majority of Foundation funds are invested with the State Investment Council; the Chairman commented that the University will 需要一个不依赖于国家的投资政策. 总统洛佩兹表示同意 重新审议该政策,并要求董事会通过电子邮件表达他们的关切.

休假申请.  Dr. 奥斯特格伦告诉董事会,已经批准了休公休假. 丽贝卡 Reiss,生物学副教授. 应卡朋特主席的要求,副主席 总统同意转交关于. 赖斯致成员.

教师参议院.  Dr. Raymond, new Chairman of the 教师参议院, noted that he was encouraged with the progress being made by a new University-wide 委员会 to strengthen administration 以及教员关系.

召唤.  的 President advised the Board of a summons the University received regarding a faculty member whose contract was not renewed, and that he would bring it to 丽晶s 适当时在执行会议上.

其他.  丽晶s were apprised by President 洛佩兹 that the Computational Analysis and Network Enterprise Solutions, or CAaNES, had purchased a building in Albuquerque using no 国家或基金会基金. 总统说:“我们没有任何抵押品. CAaNES是一家正在成长的准私营衍生公司,雇佣了大约50名工人. 领导 作者:马克·菲德尔. Srinivas Mukkamala担任公司首席技术官 总有一天会成为大学的宝贵财富,校长说. 摄政Armijo noted that the University’s 研究 Park corporation owns controlling interest in 该公司,但不承担其运营的财务责任. 此外, 目前正在就购买位于梅萨德尔索尔的大楼进行谈判.

49人队更新.  据估计,这个为期三天的年度盛会的出席人数不错, 学生的兴趣也很高. Jaramillo-Fleming补充说,49人队 游行有38个参赛作品,其中9个来自学生和大学关系. 摄政Rodriguez-Rios 会在游行中为瑞金特·希克斯和总统驾驶a型车吗. 其他活动 include a “hard hat tour” of the new Bureau of Geology conducted by Director Price.

三角裤.  President 洛佩兹 reminded the Board that the bond issue for higher education 包括1500万美元的新化学大楼. 摄政王皮科克要求筹款 每次会议都要做活动报告. 总统建议每季度发放一次. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming said progress is being made to supply 丽晶s with the information 他们要求. 校长介绍了博士。. 比尔·斯通是威尼斯人app下载的 文理学院院长. 正如Dr。. Ostergren运营博士. 斯通曾在 角色有一段时间了,现在有了一个正式的头衔.

公众意见.  没有一个.

2014年9月学位授予.  Board members were apprised and given a copy of the 37 names graduates receiving 他们各自的本科或研究生学位. 

2014年8月财务分析.  Ms. 塞迪略,代表奥巴马先生. 马尔克斯指出,时间限制阻止了她 from presenting data for September; however, October overhead has rallied a bit over 2013; and, while the University has three fewer students than last fall, their credit 工作时间更长,为一些部门节省了开支. 超过50%的新 该局大楼的预算已经花完了. 塞迪洛继续说,宣布了大学的名字 财务健康为“健全”.”

预算调整申请(BAR) 2015财年.  Ms. Sedillo presented the first BAR for FY15 to adjust carryover monies to reflect an additional year’s funding for an aerospace engineering segment of the Masters for 科学教师(MST)计划. 这笔资金将允许MST在读学生完成学业 并提高该项目的助教工资. 摄政王希克斯表示同意 请求. 摄政王皮科克附议,议案一致通过.

朗缪尔捐赠预算.  President 洛佩兹 explained that Investment Policy guidelines require Board approval for disbursement of $155,000 in carryover funds for the endowment earmarked for Langmuir 实验室. 这项请求以动议的形式获得一致通过 by 摄政Armijo and a second 摄政王希克斯著.

10. 海登遗产决议.  瑞金特·阿米霍,作为监督小组的一员 查尔斯F. 海登地产公司宣布,三年后, including the liquidation of “massive” assets, the estate was ready to be closed. 董事会面前有一份由. 亚当斯和它将作为 作为奖学金信托的一部分,管理遗产基金的工具. 他打电话给遗赠人 the largest gift in University history, giving singular credit to the President for 他与史密斯先生的长期友谊. 这导致了遗赠. 摄政王阿米霍建议 新的地质局大楼将以他的名字命名. Headen的 地质背景. 总统同意摄政王阿米霍的建议, adding that the University is developing a “naming policy” in the absence of one currently 在适当的位置. 卡彭特主席要求提供有关卡彭特先生的更多资料. Headen的业务 背景,包括他的石油和天然气租赁权益. 接着是长时间的讨论 regarding the proceeds from the Headen 信任 instead of depositing them with the university.  的 Board also discussed how the administration of the university handles scholarship funds and concern was expressed that there appears to be the lack of a scholarship 委员会.  她指出,这一制度已经到位. Jaramillo-Fleming说 在招生和奖学金过程中的优势. 决议指示 proceeds from the Headen 信任 was passed 一致 on a motion by 丽晶 Peacock, 第二票由摄政王罗德里格斯-里奥斯投,另一票由摄政王阿米霍投弃权票.

11. 无限制基金购买超过25万美元.00.  一次收购 for review and approval for Sound and Signal for a fire alarm system upgrade at Workmen 中心,花费27.5万美元.00.  这项请求以动议的形式获得一致通过 由摄政Armijo制作,摄政Rodriguez-Rios附议.

12. 财产项目决议,参考NMSA 1978, 13-6-1和13-6-2.  四个决议 were submitted for approval to remove items of tangible property:  141016-01 to remove 价值在五千美元以下的有形个人财产.在拍卖会上出售.  摄政王希克斯要求批准; 摄政王阿米霍附议,一致通过.  141016-02移除价值超过5000美元的有形个人财产.00和 被拍卖.  摄政王希克斯要求批准; 丽晶 Peacock seconded the 动议一致通过.  141016-03移除有形财产 价值超过5,000美元.由于丢失或被盗而损失100万美元.  摄政王希克斯要求批准; 摄政王阿米霍附议,一致通过.  141016-04移除 价值在五千美元以下的有形财产.由于丢失或被盗而损失100万美元.  丽晶 Hicks moved for approval; 摄政Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it passed 一致. 

13. 个别董事会成员意见.   瑞金特罗德里格斯-里奥斯表示了他的良好祝愿 for a good 49ers weekend and 丽晶 Peacock noted that the University was well represented 在联合国最近的一次会议上.M. 包括矿业协会会长和 Mr. Price; for her part 丽晶 Hicks expressed her appreciation on behalf of the city 由科技公司代表提供的观点.

14. 新业务.  没有一个

15. 员工福利信托.  董事会于上午11时45分休会.m. 作为利益相关者召开会议 信任. Ms. 莎乐美要求批准修改日历年福利计划, 哪一个被缩小到一个“最适合”的选项. 因此,她说,该计划将 be more affordable to lower-paid employees, noting that 85 percent of University workers 年收入低于25,000美元. “我们收到了一些问题,但没有负面回应。” 她指出. In accepting the President’s recommendation, 摄政Armijo moved for approval, 第二个是瑞金特·罗德里格斯-里奥斯. 动议全票通过。. 的 信托基金随后在上午11点49分休会.m. 重新召开校董会.

16. 休会. 由于董事会没有其他事务要处理,会议就此结束 11点50分休庭.m.



