董事会议- 2011年3月


1:30 p.m.2011年3月22日




新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1点45分召开会议.m.摄政王杰瑞·阿米霍(Jerry Armijo) 主持.  其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王理查德. 卡朋特,瑞金特,黛博拉 小亚伯·西尔弗. 还有摄政王奥马尔·索利曼.  大学管理员, 出席的工作人员和嘉宾包括:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹




























Dr. 洛佩兹还通知执行局,议程项目10需要修改.  Dr. 洛佩兹 asked to have the OST Surplus Equipment list removed from the agenda until further 请注意.

摄政王西尔弗同意了议事日程,也同意了修改.  摄政的木匠 附议该动议,并获得一致通过.

注册更新:博士. 洛佩兹参考了显示我们落后的报告 去年总共减少了60个付费应用程序.

With respect to future enrollments, President 洛佩兹 also announced that a taskforce has been named to develop a new funding formula which will not be solely based on 学生FTE. 

This new formula, if properly structured, should mitigate the dramatic negatively 由于入学人数减少而造成的资金损失的影响.  入学人数增长, 那么,就不会像目前的公式那样关键了.  更具体地说, 该工作组将在10月之前为新公式提供建议.  他说 that a further complication with the current higher education funding situation is due to the lumping of all three levels and types of post secondary institutions: research, comprehensive and two 一年 schools, because the formula, as currently structured, is a function of tuition credits and other miscellaneous credits, and as a result it negatively impacts four 一年 institutions more heavily than two 一年 institutions.  For example, he stated, that the four 一年 institutions have experienced a 92% reduction in funding versus the two 一年 schools who have experienced 8% reduction for same 当前公式下的时期.  这种资金上的差距的公平性已经 受到质疑.

Introduction of New 丽晶s:  摄政的木匠 introduced the Board’s two new regents.  Ms. 黛博拉·皮科克被介绍给大家. 刚才介绍的奥马尔·索利曼 作为学生董事.  两个女士. 孔雀先生. 索利曼向尸体致辞并提供 简要介绍一下他们的背景.

热水循环进度报告. 洛佩兹报道了该建筑的热水 Loop正在进行中,项目已完成约85%.  他建议 在春假期间,校园内的水连接都被接通了.  丽晶 卡彭特询问了地热项目的进展情况.  Dr. 洛佩兹回答说 在找到匹配资金之前,该计划将无限期搁置.

博士申请休假. Diedre Hirschfeld: Dr. 洛佩兹报道说. Hirschfeld 已获2011-2012学年休假.  Dr. Hirschfeld将 be working at Sandia Labs expanding her research capabilities on the fundamental physics and chemistry that underly tamper-indication markings which are created by using pulsed 激光辐照.  她不在时的课程已经安排好了.

博士休假报告. Brian Borchers:一份由Dr. Borchers详细 他在休假期间的活动已提交董事会.  Dr. Borchers” report detailed his participation at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics 加州大学洛杉矶分校.  他还强调了他的第二个目标,即完成克洛诺斯的工作 project which was funded by the National Science Foundation and meant to improve the 测定宇宙射线产生的地质样品年代的技术.`

最新法例:博士. 洛佩兹描述了最近的政治气氛 completed legislative 会话 and talked about some of the fifty seven bills introduced during the 会话, which if enacted, would have negatively affected higher education.  他还报告说,技术1&预算的一部分将被削减 .71%, 这将比去年减少约35万美元.  其他削减包括15%的 一些重点项目,其他项目10%,其他项目5%.  他说 all capital projects, two of which pertained to NM Tech, died as the 会话 expired. 

尽管众议院第2号法案尚未得到州长的批准. 洛佩兹介绍了 Board with a pro forma budget providing an informal overview of NM Tech’s budget for 2012财年.  一旦州长签署HB 2, Dr. 洛佩兹注意到,一个正式的预算 将准备供委员会正式审议的文件. 

丽晶 Armijo asked about the general status of special capital projects at New Mexico 技术以及这些项目的未来可能会发生什么.  他特别想知道 如果有可能在未来的某个日期获得资金和完成. Dr. 洛佩兹 responded that the Geology Building has been a project which has been on the drawing 董事会已经有一段时间了,但现在还不确定何时以及是否会得到资助.


Dr. 洛佩兹承认博士. 艾伦·斯塔夫利,名誉教授,他一直在研究 新墨西哥科技出版社从去年开始.  Dr. 斯塔夫利自豪地宣布New 墨西哥技术出版社开始营业,并公布了第一部出版的作品.  Dr. Stavely added that 威尼斯人app下载 Press will begin publicizing their business and 希望明年再出版两本书.

Subsequently, 丽晶 Soliman moved to approve the recommendations for tenure and pro运动 对所有推荐的候选人提升为副教授.  动议是 得到了瑞金特·西尔弗的支持,全票通过.

教授任期和晋升建议:博士. 洛佩兹提出 the following candidates for tenure and pro运动 to Full Professor for the Board’s 于是,他请医生考虑一下. Gerity向董事会介绍候选人 出示证件:

Subsequently, 丽晶 Soliman moved to approve the recommendations for tenure and pro运动 对所有被推荐的候选人授予正教授职位.  这项动议有人附议 由瑞金特·阿米霍提出并一致通过.

10. 财产项目。以密封方式处置剩余设备和移除资产 如议程第2项所述. 洛佩兹要求删除OST 剩余设备财产清单从议程处理.  董事会批准 按要求移走东安司多余的设备.

In a related matter under this same agenda item, the request was made to remove certain capital assets from inventory, along with the entire listing of those assets which 详情见附录B.  然而,摄政王卡朋特指出, as written, did not accurately reflect the request; therefore, he asked New Mexico 技术顾问罗伯特·卢塞罗修改决议.  Mr. 卢塞罗确实提供了措辞 for an amended resolution that included the proper language, and provided for the Board of 丽晶s’ approval of the removal of such capital assets from NMIMT inventory.  摄政王阿米霍动了 to approve the request with the amended wording proposed by New 墨西哥技术顾问罗伯特·卢塞罗.

Whereas the Board of 丽晶s of the New Mexico 矿业技术研究所 at a meeting held at the Fidel Center in Socorro, NM on the 22nd day of March 2011 hereby finds that each such item is lost, damaged, worn-out or destroyed to the extent that such item is no longer economical and/or safe for continued use by the New Mexico 矿业技术研究所.

Now, Therefore, the Board of 丽晶s hereby approves removal of capital assets from New Mexico 矿业技术研究所 inventory during FY’09/10 identified 在附录B.


11. 2011年2月财务分析.  总统洛佩兹拜访了副总统 朗尼·马尔克斯解释财务分析.  副总统马尔克斯报告 所有部门都在预算之内.  他补充说,我们将继续 保持良好的财务状况.  摄政王索利曼问了一个关于 equipment expenditure and noted that it appears to indicate that funds were not spent last 一年 but the budget summary shows a deficit in equipment expenditures for this 一年.  副总统马尔克斯澄清说,这一栏反映的是应计利息 versus cash disbursements; thus the numbers show an apparent shortfall.  副总统 Marquez congratulated and acknowledged his colleagues for maintaining balanced budgets.

12. 梅西中心空调/机械改造:博士. 洛佩兹报道 condition of MaceyCenter and its use for NM Tech functions as well as explaining that 它作为外部社区活动的场所.

The heating and air conditioning system, however, is approximately forty 一年s old and requires constant maintenance which in the final analysis indicates a need for 新系统.  假定委员会会批准更换暖气的投标 and air conditioning system, the bid would be forwarded to the Department of Higher 请教育部和国家财政委员会批准.  摄政王阿米霍动了 批准请求并将其转发给国家实体批准.  丽晶 西尔弗附议了这项动议,全体一致通过了.

Executive 会话:  At 3:30pm, 摄政王阿米霍动了 for the Board to go into Closed Executive 会话 limited to the two remaining names deferred from Agenda #8 in conformity with the amended agenda, pursuant to the “limited personnel matters” exception in 《威尼斯人app》(NMSA 1978. 10-15-1 (H) (2)).  瑞金特·西尔弗表示支持 运动.  点名后,所有出席的董事会成员投票决定进入执行委员会 会话.

下午4时15分,理事会经一致唱名表决,在公开会议上重新召开会议.  The Chair reported that the Board had restricted consideration solely to the matters 在关于非公开执行会议的动议中提出的要求. 

摄政王阿米霍动了 that the university grant Professor Raul Morales Juberias tenure 并提升他为副教授.  摄政·西尔弗支持这项动议 一致通过.

丽晶 Armijo further moved that the university not grant tenure and not promote Professor Carlos Ulibarri to Associate Professor but allow Professor Ulibarri to serve his one 额外的终端合约年(如他选择这样做).  雷金特·皮科克附议 the 运动 and it 一致通过 by the ones voting, with 丽晶 Soliman 弃权.

After this discussion, the Trust meeting adjourned and the Board reconvened in open 会话.