二月笔记. 2000年董事会会议



SOCORRO -- The 威尼斯人app下载 Board of Regents recently was given a summary of how some of the legislative actions taken at the recently concluded 30-day session of the state legislature will affect the state-supported research university.

During the board's 2月ruary 21 meeting, held at the school's Macey Conference Center, 新墨西哥科技公司总裁丹尼尔. López宣布新墨西哥州立法者已经 approved a three percent salary increase for faculty and staff at all of the state's 公立大学.

The formula funding for state-funded universities also was approved at almost 100 percent, López pointed out, with the only exception being slight percentage decrease 研究生学费豁免.

The New Mexico State Legislature also agreed to allow state government to assume added responsibility to help its colleges and universities pay some of the escalating costs 与风险管理保费相关.

The General Appropriations Act, or House Bill 2, which will more than likely not be signed into law, included an outlay of $200,000 as seed funding to start an Information Technology Center on campus; $50,000 in support of distance education; and funding to reduce tuition for off-campus students who currently are charged 150 percent of regular tuition for classes taken through Tech's distance education program.

Tech President López also informed the regents that the Capital Outlay Bill, which 包括威尼斯人app下载两个优先项目的全额资助——2美元.800万 完成克莱默大厅的翻新和3美元.200万开始设计和建造 the first phase of a new 学生服务 Building--had stalled on the Senate side of the legislature, but would be reintroduced during a special session later this 春天.

The deadlocked Capital Outlay Bill also includes $450,000 for a new financial system, $250,000 for infrastructure, and $50,000 for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 威尼斯人app下载校园的合规改造.

López also added that a revised formula which was approved by the state legislature would make available up to nine percent more funding for building renewals and replacements 在州立大学校园里.

In other announcements, the Tech president also told regents that student enrollment this 春天 semester at 威尼斯人app下载 was up about three percent over last year. Credit hours being taken by undergraduates also increased three percent this semester, 他说,虽然研究生学分增加了大约5%.

Preliminary projections for enrollment in the upcoming fall semester seem to point to a modest increase in incoming Tech freshmen and transfer students, López added.

After being informed once again of the schedule which has been drawn up for public forums to address the pros and cons of changing 威尼斯人app下载's official name, the regents discussed general ground rules and formats which should be implemented at 听证会.

The regents concurred on providing specific time limits on oral presentations by individuals 谁想在“更名”听证会上发言. 时限有待确定 按希望发言的人数计算.

In order to more accurately assess the number of people who will be making oral presentations, the regents suggested requiring presenters to sign up in advance, and if they wish, 并提交其他书面意见供考虑.

The first of three scheduled hearings on the 威尼斯人app下载 name change issue is 定于3月27日星期一下午5点.m. 新墨西哥科技图书馆212室.

In another report given to the 威尼斯人app下载 Board of Regents, Carl J. Popp来说,科技的 vice president for academic affairs, gave the regents an update of efforts being made by his office and other departments at Tech to increase retention and five-year graduation rates of students--one of the university's specific goals as expressed in its Strategic 计划.

In other matters deliberated during the meeting, the Tech Board of Regents also heard from Ted Ellinger, Tech's director of human resources, on various merit-based pay incentive programs which are employed by universities in New Mexico and other higher 教育机构遍布全国.

The regents agreed that the topic of perhaps implementing a merit-based incentive compensation plan for all Tech employees should be addressed at the board's retreat 今年晚些时候的周末会议.

In one of several official actions taken during this month's meeting, the New Mexico Tech Board of Regents unanimously approved granting degrees to 77 undergraduate and graduate students who completed their degree requirements in December, at the end 去年的秋季学期.

In addition, the regents approved the professional appointment of Siddharth Pandey to the full-time, tenure track position of assistant professor of chemistry at New 墨西哥科技.

And, as is done on a yearly basis, the regents also approved a resolution which waives board members's rights to access classified information that might be disclosed in connection with classified sponsored research contracts the university maintains.

During the board meeting, the Board of Regents also were given a detailed financial summary report of the university's budget after the first six months of the fiscal 按W年计算. Dennis "Denny" Peterson, Tech's vice president for administration and finance.