
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of 丽晶s

9:00 a.m.2012年4月29日,星期日




The 威尼斯人app下载 Board of 丽晶s convened at 9:00 a.m.,与Richard主席 N. 木匠主持. 其他 Board members present were 丽晶 Jerry Armijo, 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, 丽晶 Abe Silver and 学生摄政 Omar Solomon. 大学管理员, staff, and guests who were also present included:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹



















1. Proof of Meeting Notice:  The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. 由董事会 董事会主席理查德·卡彭特. President 洛佩兹 confirmed that proper notice 因为会议已经安排好了.

2. 议程批准:摄政王皮科克动议批准4月29日的议程, 2012年会议. 摄政Armijo seconded the motion and 全票通过.

3. 会议纪要:Armijo董事动议批准2012年3月30日会议纪要. 利金特·皮科克支持这项动议 全票通过.

4. 公告



5. 公众意见.  没有一个.

6. 2012年3月的学位授予.  一个学位,一个博士学位.D. 地球与环境 科学,在当月被授予.

7. 财务分析.  Mr. 马尔克斯,V.P. for Administration and Finance, reported that both revenues and expenditures were tracking well.

8. 2012年3月季度财务报告.  The financial report for the first three months of the year is in line with that of last year, reported Mr. 马尔克斯和威尔 be sent to the Higher Education Department as required by law. 按照建议 from President 洛佩兹, 摄政孔雀 made a motion to approve the report. 摄政Armijo seconded the motion and 全票通过.

9. 建议营运预算 & 员工加薪.  Mr. 马尔克斯总结道 建议业务预算如下:

As part of the discussion that followed, Mr. 马尔克斯报告说,新的预算 reflects a slight increase in “I”, or instructional, funds. 以前的开放学院 在某些情况下,通过重新分配部门的资金来填补职位空缺 入学率下降. Mr. Marquez cited two outstanding issues: the need to cross-train 财务人员,并弥补了公用事业中新支持的缺位 资金的公式. Additional discussion focused on the effects of rising utility costs 关于高等教育机构. It was also mentioned that Tech has been able to 吸引低成本和经验丰富的科学家和工程师,但以前的工作 retired from the state’s national laboratories. 摄政王西尔弗接受了 提议的运营预算,包括2%的全面加薪 for employees, pending any budget readjustments that may be required. 摄政Armijo seconded the motion and 全票通过.

10. Final Budget Adjustment Request for FY12.  Mr. 马尔克斯提出了五项预算调整 请求:

Mr. 马尔克斯解释说,储备是由多年的结转资金创造的 足够的. 摄政王阿米霍搬到了 approve the five budget adjustment requests. 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and 全票通过.

11. 学费和杂费.  President 洛佩兹 recommended approval of a 4 percent tuition 增加包括向毕业生收取的活动费增加10% 应研究生会的要求,归还给学生 以活动的形式. 摄政王阿米霍搬到了 accept the recommendation. 学生 丽晶 Solimon seconded the motion, and 全票通过.

12. 宿舍楼建设.  President 洛佩兹 explained that the HED requires 董事会批准了一项决议,由a资助建造一个新的宿舍楼 $14.此前于2011年8月批准并发行了500万美元的系统收益债券. HED, 批准后,将把决议提交给教育委员会 财务(BEF)批准. Once both authorizations are secured, the issue will return to the Board of 丽晶s for final approval to begin construction. 在 在洛佩兹主席的建议下,摄政王阿米霍动议通过该决议. 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and 全票通过.

13. 2012 Severance Tax Bond Resolution Notification and Certification.  根据建议 总统洛佩兹,摄政王阿米霍提议批准一项决议,以确保 20万美元的立法批准的遣散税债券用于基础设施翻新 以及MRO的改进. 利金特·皮科克支持这项动议 全票通过.

14.  Unrestricted Funds Purchases Exceeding $250,000.  校长洛佩兹介绍 and recommended approval for three purchase 请求:

15. 董事会成员意见.   丽晶 Solomon will spend the summer working for Sandia 国家实验室. 丽晶 Silver and 摄政孔雀 commented on the President’s 俱乐部晚宴在前一天晚上举行. 摄政Armijo offered to arrange a meeting 和索科罗联合学校的新主管一起继续积极的工作 association between SCS and 威尼斯人app下载. 总统洛佩兹表示同意.

16.  新业务.  丽晶 Silver congratulated 约翰发表, the University’s alumnus 前一晚在总统俱乐部晚宴上宣布的年度最佳人选,以及 对整个事情进行得如此愉快表示高兴. 丽晶s also agreed to consider options for their annual retreat in August.

17.  员工福利信托.  Members recessed as the Board of 丽晶s and convened the meeting of the Benefit Trust at 10:10 a.m. Mr. 马尔克斯报告说,索赔是 该信托基金将于5月从HCH转移到Meritain Health 1, 2012. He will continue to work with the campus health insurance committee and to address an upcoming meeting of the 教师 Senate.

18.  非公开执行会议,根据NMSAS 1978第10-15-1 (H)(2)条和审议 总裁的表现和可能修改的雇佣协议.   At 10:13 a.m., the Board on a unanimous roll call vote in the open session on a motion 由摄政王西尔弗提出,由摄政王阿米霍附议,结束公开会议,召开会议 在非公开执行会议上讨论议程所述事项.  丽晶 西尔弗的动议表明了结束调查的权力和主题 合理专一地讨论.  

19. 再次召开公开会议,并就最终行动(如有)作出报告 人事事项在非公开会议结束后举行公开会议 Board reconvened in open session at 11:02 a.m. Chairman Carpenter announced that pursuant 对于上述关于董事会非公开会议的规约,只适用所述事项 in the Agenda were discussed, and no action was taken. 摄政王阿米霍开始修改 与总统洛佩兹的现有协议,每年增加1万美元; 将总统的汽车津贴从每年$20,000增加到$25,000; 并延长他的协议期限,一年的期权,可在 President’s option with one year’s notice. 利金特·皮科克支持这项动议 全票通过. President 洛佩兹 was recognized as the longest-serving University president in New Mexico, by far; and for his long-standing loyalty to the Institute. President 洛佩兹, in turn, thanked Board members for their support.

19. 休庭:摄政王,董事会没有其他事务要处理了 孔雀提议休庭. 摄政Armijo seconded the motion and 全票通过. 会议于上午11时13分休会.m.