
它是 extremely important to know how to take care of your sexual health to prevent negative 会影响你未来的结果. 我们愿意为您提供信息 necessary to help you make good choices with respect to  your sexual health.


Here is our latest workshop done by Hannah Quigg, NP our Nurse Practitioner on campus




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Sexually transmitted diseases (性病s) are infections spread from one person to another 通过性接触. 它是 necessary that people who are sexually active get checked often to make sure that they have not contracted a disease that can harm their body 从长远来看. Although a lot of these sexually transmitted diseases have cures, most times symptoms are nonexistent making the risk of spreading to another person 更大的. If you or someone you know is dealing with this issue, contact your 医疗保健提供者或免费的学生健康中心. 每种类型的信息 下文提供了性传播疾病.


以下是性病检测建议的简要概述. 性病 screening information for healthcare providers can be found 在这里.


 Q: NMT学生健康中心是否筛查性病?

 A: 是的, NMT学生健康中心做性病筛查. 这不是
      总是需要侵入性生殖器拭子. Comprehensive 性病 screening can            be completed with a urine sample and a 血液样本.

 Q: 学生健康中心治疗性传播疾病吗?

A: 是的, the NMT student health center is staffed with Nurse Practitioners who

Q: 学生健康中心有免费避孕套吗?

A: 是的, please call and we can arrange for pick-up of free condoms.

Q: 如何预约性病检查?

A: 请打电话给 575-835-5094 或者访问健康中心网页 在这里All sexual           health consults and 性病 screening requires an appointment with 学生健康中心.

Q: 健康中心的服务是保密的吗?

A: 是的, the care provided at the student health center is confidential. 一些
     性病s are considered mandatory reportable diseases and positive results
     and treatment summaries are released to the state of New Mexico by law.

Q: What is the best way to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease?

A: The only way to ensure you don't contract an 性病 is by not having vaginal,                             肛交或口交. 如果你性生活活跃,这很重要 you use condoms                               correctly each time you have sex, and 确保你和你的 合作伙伴                                     经常做检查. 

Q: 我应该多久或多早开始做检查?

A:  Everyone should start seeing their provider as soon as they become sexually                                   active. 


  1. 疾病预防控制中心 性健康 主页: 点击这里
  2. 疾病预防控制中心 性病 主页: 点击这里
  3. 感染性病的风险 口交: 点击这里
  4. 疾病预防控制中心性病 筛选建议: 点击这里
  5. 健康风险、预防、 治疗 & 帮助 点击这里


Make sure your adolescent knows that even if they are using another type of birth control, they should use a condom every time they have sex. 这降低了风险 艾滋病毒和大多数其他性传播疾病. Birth control such as the IUD, implant, pill, patch, ring, or shot provides effective 怀孕 prevention, but it does not protect against HIV and other 性病s. Condoms can reduce the risk to both 合作伙伴s for most 性病s, including HIV, as well 怀孕的风险. 进行性传播疾病检测也很重要.


Information from healthcare providers can help you decide which birth control method 是适合你的. 重要的是要考虑:



